About Me

Keeping Your Kids Happy

After I was asked to move my family to a new state, I could tell that my kids were having a difficult time adjusting. They missed their old school and their old friends, and they were moping around the house day after day. I was really stressed out about it, so I decided to consult with a family counselor in our new state. She was really kind and caring, and it really seemed like she was concerned about our family's well being. She worked with us to resolve our concerns, and our children were able to adjust in a healthy, proactive manner. Check out this website to learn more.



Keeping Your Kids Happy


How Can You Honor Your Parents on Your Wedding Day?

Sorting through the layers of emotion between a parent and adult child on the child's wedding day can be both heartwarming and heartbreaking. If you and your parents have been through some tough times together over the years, you may be struggling with ideas for how to give them the respect and appreciation they deserve on a day when you're expressing your lifelong commitment to someone else. Read on for some ways to creatively and inexpensively memorialize your parents at your wedding and reception and how to deal with the sometimes conflicting emotions surrounding this transitional time in your life.

5 Things To Know About Interim Care For Newborn Babies

In many cases, a woman makes the decision to place her biological baby with adoptive parents before the baby is born. However, sometimes a woman needs more time to make a decision about whether adoption is right for her and her baby. Perhaps the baby is born prematurely, or maybe the woman's situation is unclear before she gives birth. In these instances, it is important to know what interim care is and how it can help you, your newborn baby, and perspective adoptive parents.